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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

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Table of Contents
Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 425-847

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Asymptotic Determination of Edge-Bandwidth of Multidimensional Grids and Hamming Graphs

Reza Akhtar, Tao Jiang, and Zevi Miller

pp. 425-449

Polychromatic Colorings of Subcubes of the Hypercube

David Offner

pp. 450-454

Matroid Complexity and Nonsuccinct Descriptions

Dillon Mayhew

pp. 455-466

On Ramsey Minimal Graphs

V. Rödl and M. Siggers

pp. 467-488

Graph-Different Permutations

János Körner, Claudia Malvenuto, and Gábor Simonyi

pp. 489-499

Realizing Degree Sequences with Graphs Having Nowhere-Zero 3-Flows

Rong Luo, Rui Xu, Wenan Zang, and Cun-Quan Zhang

pp. 500-519

Hamilton Cycles in Random Lifts of Directed Graphs

Prasad Chebolu and Alan Frieze

pp. 520-540

Coloring of Triangle-Free Graphs on the Double Torus

Daniel Král' and Matěj StehlÍk

pp. 541-553

Power Domination in Product Graphs

Paul Dorbec, Michel Mollard, Sandi Klavžar, and Simon Špacapan

pp. 554-567

Planar Graphs of Odd-Girth at Least $9$ are Homomorphic to the Petersen Graph

Z. Dvořák, R. Škrekovski, and T. Valla

pp. 568-591

The Windy General Routing Polyhedron: A Global View of Many Known Arc Routing Polyhedra

Angel Corberán, Isaac Plana, and José M. Sanchis

pp. 606-628

On Complexity of the Subpattern Problem

Shlomo Ahal and Yuri Rabinovich

pp. 629-649

Cubic Monomial Bent Functions: A Subclass of $\mathcal{M}$

Pascale Charpin and Gohar M. Kyureghyan

pp. 650-665

Rank-Width and Well-Quasi-Ordering

Sang-il Oum

pp. 666-682

Coloring an Orthogonality Graph

C. D. Godsil and M. W. Newman

pp. 683-692

Finding a Maximum Independent Set in a Sparse Random Graph

Uriel Feige and Eran Ofek

pp. 693-718

A Census of Small Latin Hypercubes

Brendan D. McKay and Ian M. Wanless

pp. 719-736

The Nine Morse Generic Tetrahedra

D. Siersma and M. van Manen

pp. 737-746

Walkers on the Cycle and the Grid

J. Díaz, X. Pérez, M. J. Serna, and N. C. Wormald

pp. 747-775

Combinatorial Properties of a Rooted Graph Polynomial

David Eisenstat, Gary Gordon, and Amanda Redlich

pp. 776-785

Testing Triangle-Freeness in General Graphs

Noga Alon, Tali Kaufman, Michael Krivelevich, and Dana Ron

pp. 786-819

A Note On Reed's Conjecture

Landon Rabern

pp. 820-827

The Minimum Number of Distinct Areas of Triangles Determined by a Set of $n$ Points in the Plane

Rom Pinchasi

pp. 828-831

On the Complexity of Ordered Colorings

Arvind Gupta, Jan van den Heuvel, Ján Maňuch, Ladislav Stacho, and Xiaohong Zhao

pp. 832-847